Monday, January 21, 2008

Family Photos

We haven't had any official family photos taken yet- We are going to do that soon though. However, my brother in law took some really good ones around Thanksgiving. I thought I would share them.

Here is us...awww!

Here is the WHOLE clan! (notice the silly face pictures) I think they are great. Hehehe


Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

Christi! I LOVE the photo in your headline (or whatever it's called - the thing at the top of your page). How did you do it? Is that the original picture or did you manipulate it somehow? It's just wonderful.

Anonymous said...

awww...your family looks like they have so much fun together!

Christi said...
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Anonymous said...

I love the new page. You are so good at this stuff. I love you too. Mom